Spanish language

How to pronounce photograph in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms shoot, snap
Type of put down, enter, record
Has types x-ray, retake
Verb group take, shoot, film
Derivation photographer

I photographed the scene of the accident.
Type Words
Synonyms exposure, photo, pic, picture
Type of representation
Has types beefcake, black and white, blowup, blueprint, cheesecake, closeup, daguerreotype, enlargement, frame, glossy, headshot, hologram, holograph, arial mosaic, magnification, microdot, monochrome, mosaic, mug shot, mugshot, photocopy, photographic print, photomicrograph, photomosaic, longshot, stereoscopic picture, still, stock image, stock photograph, telephoto, telephotograph, time exposure, vignette, wedding picture, print, radiogram, radiograph, scene, shadowgraph, shot, skiagram, skiagraph, snap, snapshot, spectrogram, spectrograph, stereo, stereoscopic photograph
Derivation photographic, photography
Type Words

Children photograph well.