Spanish language

How to pronounce pass in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms go by, go past, pass by, surpass, travel by
Type of move, go, locomote, travel
Has types zip by, fly by, skirt, whisk by, run by
Derivation passer

A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window.
He passed his professor in the hall.
One line of soldiers surpassed the other.
Type Words
Synonyms egest, eliminate, excrete
Type of eject, expel, exhaust, discharge, release
Has types stool, spue, spew, spend a penny, chuck, sick, shit, be sick, retch, wee-wee, relieve oneself, transude, regurgitate, regorge, wee, vomit up, purge, puke, puddle, barf, take a shit, vomit, piss, ca-ca, take a leak, crap, take a crap, cast, cat, sweat, sudate, piddle, throw up, perspire, pee-pee, defecate, pee, pass water, ooze out, ooze, micturate, empty, make water, void, honk, urinate, evacuate, exudate, exude, upchuck, disgorge, make
Derivation passing
Type Words
Synonyms authorise, authorize, clear
Type of permit, allow, let, countenance
Has types licence, sanction, declare, formalize, formalise, validate, approve, commission, certify, license, approbate, certificate, okay, o.k.
Type Words
Synonyms crack, fling, go, offer, whirl
Type of try, endeavor, endeavour, attempt, effort
Type Words
Synonyms passing, qualifying
Type of success

his future depended on his passing that test.
he got a pass in introductory chemistry.
Type Words
Synonyms come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass off, take place
Has types recur, anticipate, arise, backfire, backlash, bechance, befall, betide, break, chance, coincide, come, come around, come off, come up, concur, contemporise, contemporize, develop, fall, give, go, go off, go over, happen, intervene, materialise, materialize, proceed, recoil, recrudesce, repeat, result, roll around, shine, strike, supervene, synchronise, synchronize, transpire, turn out
Type Words
Synonyms passing

a team with a good passing attack.
a pass play.
Type Words
Synonyms buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, conk, croak, decease, die, drop dead, exit, expire, give-up the ghost, go, kick the bucket, pass away, perish, pop off, snuff it
Type of change state, turn
Has types asphyxiate, abort, drown, suffocate, succumb, famish, stifle, starve, buy it, pip out, predecease, yield, fall
Verb group break down, give way, die, conk out, break, go, fail, go bad, give out
Derivation passing
Type Words
Synonyms laissez passer
Type of permission
Has types hall pass, ticket-of-leave, boarding card, boarding pass

the media representatives had special passes.
Type Words
Synonyms make pass
Has types run, cycle, lead, pass through, pass off

She passed around the plates.
Type Words
Synonyms exceed, go past, overstep, top, transcend
Type of surpass, stand out, excel
Type Words
Synonyms communicate, pass along, pass on, put across
Type of communicate, transmit, convey
Has types bespeak, send a message, get across, return, carry, implant, put over, quest, relay, receipt, render, message, call for, request, ask for, telecommunicate, deliver, acknowledge, plant

pass along the good news.
Type Words
Synonyms clear
Type of bring home the bacon, succeed, win, deliver the goods, come through
Has types clear
Type Words
Synonyms draw, guide, run
Has types rub, thread
Verb group lead, draw, thread, run, string
Type Words
Synonyms give, hand, pass on, reach, turn over
Type of transfer
Has types deal, relinquish, give up, render, trust, leave, fork over, fork out, hand over, entrust, commit, confide, slip, intrust, sneak, turn in, deliver, resign, release, free, give, fork up
Derivation passage
Type Words
Synonyms flip, toss
Type of throw
Has types snap, centering

the pass was fumbled.
Type Words
Synonyms lapse, sink
Type of move
Derivation passage
Type Words
Synonyms legislate
Type of enact, ordain
Derivation passage

They passed the amendment.
Type Words
Synonyms head, straits
Type of juncture, occasion

a pretty pass.
Type Words
Synonyms extend, go, lead, run
Type of be
Has types underrun, go deep, go far, radiate, ray, come
Verb group run, range
Type Words
Synonyms liberty chit
Type of permit, licence, license

he had to show his pass in order to get out.
Type Words
Synonyms elapse, glide by, go along, go by, lapse, slide by, slip away, slip by
Type of move on, go on, march on, progress, advance, pass on
Has types vanish, fly, fell
Type Words
Synonyms strait, straits
Type of situation
Has types desperate straits, dire straits
Type Words
Synonyms overhaul, overtake
Type of move on, progress, march on, go on, pass on, advance
Has types top, clear, get by
Derivation passing, passage

The sports car passed all the trucks.
Type Words
Synonyms blow over, evanesce, fade, fleet, pass off
Type of vanish, go away, disappear
Derivation passing

The pain eventually passed off.
Type Words
Synonyms passing, passing game, passing play
Type of football play
Has types lateral pass, lateral, spot pass, forward pass, aerial

the coach sent in a passing play on third and long.
Type Words
Synonyms base on balls, walk
Type of achievement, accomplishment
Type Words
Synonyms mountain pass, notch
Type of location
Has types saddle, gorge, defile, col, saddleback, gap

we got through the pass before it started to snow.
Type Words
Synonyms bye
Type of concession, conceding, yielding
Type Words
Synonyms make it
Type of bring home the bacon, succeed, win, deliver the goods, come through
Has types sweep through, sail through, nail, breeze through, pass with flying colors, ace
Derivation passing, passer

She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now.
Type Words
Synonyms devolve, fall, return
Type of change owners, change hands
Has types fall, light
Verb group fall, accrue
Type Words
Synonyms spend
Has types vacation, holiday, while away, slum, sojourn, weekend, soldier, do, winter, summer, get through, overwinter, serve
Type Words
Synonyms passport
Type of permission
Has types safeguard, safe-conduct

the pass to visit had a strict time limit.
Type Words
Type of pass judgment, judge, evaluate
Derivation passing

The teacher passed the student although he was weak.
Type Words
Type of ticket

the star got passes for his family.
Type Words
Type of flying, flight

the plane turned to make a second pass.
Type Words
Type of let, allow, permit

the insult passed as if unnoticed.
Type Words
Type of locomote, move, travel, go
Has types break through, transit, traverse, trespass, cover, crack, crash, cross, cut, cut across, cut through, cycle, fumble, get across, get over, infiltrate, lock, make, move through, muscle, negociate, negotiate, overstep, pass across, pass over, pass through, run, squeak by, squeak through, work, track, blunder, transgress

We passed the point where the police car had parked.
Type Words
Type of leave, leave of absence

he had a pass for three days.
Type Words
Type of oscillation, cycle

it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass.
Type Words
Type of throw
Derivation passing, passer

Smith passed.
Type Words
Type of change

Our house passed under his official control.