Spanish language

How to pronounce measuring in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms measure, measurement, mensuration
Type of activity
Has types algometry, anemography, anemometry, angulation, anthropometry, arterial blood gases, audiometry, bathymetry, calorimetry, cephalometry, densitometry, dosimetry, fetometry, foetometry, gravimetry, hydrometry, hypsography, hypsometry, mental measurement, meter reading, micrometry, observation, pelvimetry, photometry, plumbing, quantification, quantitative analysis, quantitative chemical analysis, radioactive dating, reading, sampling, scaling, seismography, sound ranging, sounding, spirometry, surveying, telemetry, thermogravimetry, thermometry, tonometry, viscometry, actinometry, viscosimetry
Derivation measure

his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate.