Spanish language

How to pronounce meaning in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms pregnant, significant

a meaning look.
Type Words
Synonyms import, significance, signification
Type of subject matter, substance, message, content
Has types shade, signified, spirit, subtlety, symbolisation, symbolization, refinement, connotation, core, effect, essence, gist, grammatical meaning, intension, intent, lesson, lexical meaning, moral, nicety, nuance, overtone, point, purport, referent, burden, sense
Derivation mean

what is the meaning of this sentence.
Type Words
Synonyms substance
Type of idea, thought
Has types significance, import, connotation, strain, reference, semantics, implication, tenor, undercurrent, undertone, extension, denotation
Derivation mean

What is the meaning of this proverb?.