Spanish language

How to pronounce marriage in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms man and wife, married couple
Type of family, family unit
Has types mixed marriage

his second marriage was happier than the first.
Type Words
Synonyms marriage ceremony, wedding
Type of rite, ritual
Has types bridal, civil marriage, love match, remarriage, espousal
Derivation marry

their marriage was conducted in the chapel.
Type Words
Synonyms matrimony, spousal relationship, union, wedlock
Type of marital status
Has types marriage of convenience, bigamy, common-law marriage, cuckoldom, endogamy, exogamy, inmarriage, intermarriage, misalliance, monandry, monogamousness, monogamy, open marriage, polygamy, sigeh

a long and happy marriage.
Type Words
Type of unification, union

the marriage of music and dance.
a marriage of ideas.