Spanish language

How to pronounce kill in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms obliterate, wipe out
Type of take out, take away

kill these lines in the President's speech.
Type Words
Synonyms stamp out
Type of end, terminate
Type Words
Synonyms defeat, shoot down, vote down, vote out
Type of negative, veto, blackball

kill a motion.
Type Words
Synonyms belt down, bolt down, down, drink down, pop, pour down, toss off
Type of imbibe, drink

She killed a bottle of brandy that night.
Type Words
Synonyms killing, putting to death
Type of ending, termination, conclusion
Has types suffocation, suicide, despatch, decapitation, slaughter, coup de grace, self-destruction, self-annihilation, sacrifice, ritual killing, racial extermination, race murder, poisoning, beheading, mercy killing, homicide, deathblow, genocide, fell, death, euthanasia, electrocution, asphyxiation, dispatch
Type Words
Type of be

cigarettes kill.
drunken driving kills.
Type Words
Type of hurt, suffer, ache
Derivation killer

These new shoes are killing me!.
Type Words
Has types electrocute
Derivation killing, killer

She was killed in the collision of three cars.
Type Words
Type of turn off, turn out, switch off, cut

kill the engine.
Type Words
Has types zap, decimate, decollate, destroy, dismember, dispatch, do in, draw, draw and quarter, drown, electrocute, eliminate, eradicate, erase, execute, exterminate, extinguish, fry, hit, impale, kill off, knock off, lapidate, liquidate, lynch, martyr, massacre, mow down, murder, neutralise, neutralize, off, overlay, overlie, pip, poison, polish off, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, quarter, remove, saber, sabre, sacrifice, shed blood, shoot, slaughter, slay, smother, stake, stone, strangle, strangulate, suffocate, take off, throttle, tomahawk, vaporize, waste, wipe out, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, brain, bump off, butcher, carry off, commit suicide, decapitate
Derivation killing, killable, killer

This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank.
The farmer killed a pig for the holidays.
Type Words
Has types strike down

AIDS has killed thousands in Africa.
Type Words
Type of destruct, destroy

Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods.
Type Words
Type of hit

He killed the ball.
Type Words
Type of hit

She killed the ball.
Type Words
Type of overwhelm, overcome, overpower, overtake, sweep over, whelm

The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!.
Type Words
Type of body, dead body
Type Words
Type of destruction, devastation

the pilot reported two kills during the mission.
Type Words
Type of exhaust, tucker out, beat, wash up, tucker

The daily stress of her work is killing her.