Spanish language

How to pronounce judicature in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms administration
Type of justice
Type Words
Synonyms judgeship
Type of billet, position, post, situation, spot, place, office, berth
Type Words
Synonyms judicatory, judicial system, judiciary
Type of scheme, system
Has types federal judiciary
Type Words
Synonyms court, tribunal
Type of assembly
Has types appellate court, assizes, world court, kangaroo court, law court, lawcourt, lower court, military court, moot court, police court, probate court, quarter sessions, rota, star chamber, state supreme court, superior court, supreme court, traffic court, trial court, appeals court, chancery, consistory, court, court of appeals, court of assize, court of assize and nisi prius, court of chancery, court of domestic relations, court of justice, court of law, criminal court, divorce court, domestic relations court, f.i.s.c., family court, federal court, foreign intelligence surveillance court, high court, inferior court, inquisition, international court of justice, juvenile court