Spanish language

How to pronounce interval in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms musical interval
Type of musical notation
Has types third, fourth, half step, seventh, sixth, whole tone, whole step, quarter-tone, quarter tone, tone, step, semitone, octave, musical octave, fifth
Type Words
Synonyms time interval
Type of quantity, amount, measure
Has types absence, access time, break, interruption, lag, latency, latent period, lead time, lunitidal interval, meantime, meanwhile, pause, period, processing time, reaction time, response time, rhythm, rotational latency, round, seek time, slot, space, suspension, time constant, time slot, cycle, distance, embolism, eternity, float, intercalation, interim, interlude, intermission
Type Words
Synonyms separation
Type of distance
Has types clearance
Type Words
Type of set
Has types closed interval, open interval, bounded interval, sub-interval, unbounded interval