Spanish language

How to pronounce interrupt in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms break up, cut off, disrupt
Type of stop, break, discontinue, break off
Has types throw in, barge in, block, break, break in, burst in on, burst upon, butt in, chime in, chisel in, come in, cut, cut in, cut off, punctuate, put aside, put away, put in, stop, stop over, take off, take time off, heckle, inject, interject, intermit, interpose, jam, pause
Derivation interrupter, interruption

We interrupt the program for the following messages.
Type Words
Synonyms break
Type of terminate, end
Has types hold on, freeze, stop, break off, cut short, break short, suspend

She interrupted her pregnancy.
Type Words
Synonyms disrupt
Type of chisel in, barge in, cut in, butt in, break in, chime in, put in
Has types cut short, cut in
Derivation interruption

Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone.
Type Words
Synonyms disturb
Type of act, move

Don't interrupt me when I'm reading.
Type Words
Type of signal