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what does the future mean to you well
i'm not going to college because mainly
i didn't have the right subjects
so as far as i know i'm going into the
in other words and your solution for
your education is going to be in the
army it wasn't in the schools that's
i don't think i'm going to be going to
college because uh
i want to go out west way out west
and uh
no i know that but how definitely now
can you say what you want to be right
now i don't know what i want to be but
i'm still going to college bonnie you
are watching a clip from a documentary
that ran on prime time television in the
fall of 1958
it recorded the students at harding high
school in bridgeport connecticut who are
going to be graduating that spring
the greatest thing in the world i think
is to have children i'm david hoffman
independent documentary filmmaker bird
by my side gives me a little sense of
security doing this
and i want to tell you a little bit
about what this period was like before
you see this incredible documentary
where kids and teachers talk straight
real how they felt
so the time october 4th 1958
something gigantic happened that evening
the first artificial earth satellite in
the world has now been created we are
bringing to you the most important story
of this century
mankind's breakthrough into space
ladies and gentlemen
we are bringing to you the most
important story of this century
mankind's breakthrough into space
for the first time
mankind has reached for the stars and
found them within his grass
it flew overhead and all of a sudden you
looked up if you were my family and you
thought you saw this thing and it was
out of nowhere here was this first
man-made satellite being orbited by our
arch enemy
so this was an enormous event it took
you from the realm of theoretical
science fiction to reality it was a
reality that human beings could send
artificial satellites into space
and that changed everything it was one
of those moments in history where all of
a sudden all of your thought processes
changed and it was made by the soviet
union russia our arch enemy
and it was both beautiful
and when the people told us in
washington oh boy that means they have
an icbm
the russians and they could get us and
we can't protect ourselves this is
really scary
sputnik was the 911 of our day people
were shocked that russia had a
technology that could do this and we
well i'd like to know if uh
the people of my generation now have
anything to fear by this there isn't any
danger then and something being turned
from this missile by your country
harming the
people of my generation we don't have
anything to fear them
one meaning very quickly read from the
launching of the satellite is an ominous
one this is that the russians have
licked some of the toughest problems of
rocket propulsion the basis of the
so-called ultimate weapon the long-range
ballistic missile senator do we have any
defense against russia's
intercontinental ballistic missile no we
have not
within days of that beautiful experience
it became terror
what are we going to do
how did these russians
who are we think primitive relative to
us where the great science nation how
did they beat us in a scientific venture
this constitutes the greatest crisis in
the history of america
we are headed downhill to the status of
a second-rate world power
if russia wins dominance of this
completely new area
well i think the consequences are fairly
probable soviet world domination this
was the time that came right before the
documentary you're going to see
where the teacher and the students are
talking about going to college or not
and about marriage or not
and what happened at that time was
really important in terms of education
tonight i want to talk to you
about this business of education
when i say education i mean the problems
of education somehow there has to be
sort of a switch in concentration it
seems to me in this country i think we
have to decide whether we want a super
fancy kitchen and 500 horsepower under
the hood or whether we want to match the
russians we've never been in a greater
mess in our lives as a nation
and we adults started questioning our
educational system i mean how come the
russians had scientists and engineers
could do these things and we didn't
what we've got to do is start right in
the high school
and toughen up our scientific education
so that we can produce most productive
creative people that we need to battle
we sent a bunch of politicians congress
people to russia to find out what are
they doing what we found shocked us
years ago we had six times as many
scientists and engineers as the soviet
now their colleges are turning out twice
as many technical people this year as
ours are
we learned that russian kids went to
school six days a week
that their school year was 213 days long
compared to 180 days in america
that every russian kid boy and girl was
required to take math and engineering
russian students had up to four hours of
homework a night where the average in
america was just 30 minutes
every town had its little group
in charge of kind of improving education
backed by the federal government lots of
money going into schools going into
scholarships and respected by both
students and adults
how do i get high grades
i work for them i'm not going to school
just to put in time i want to be
and it was all
heavy duty
college prep
mathematically based
we're going to train scientists and the
curriculum went that way the courses
became very difficult it was a
revolution it's going to be tough we
were just loaded down with all kinds of
books and new classes and homework
it used to be i could get through
chemistry and physics you know you could
slide through the coach will let me
but it wasn't that way anymore
president eisenhower led this national
self-analysis and asked americans to
change how our young people were being
educated we need scientists in the 10
years ahead they say we need them by
thousands more than we're now presently
planning to have anyone who was around
at that time will remember
individualized education no longer wrote
learning teaching by rote
one two three four put your feet on the
one two and it was like somebody slammed
on the accelerator
and all of a sudden everything was open
for discussion and examination
we used to laugh and say well you know
the russians
might have launched sputnik but the
united states is launching us because of
all these new programs that were in in
the school and we all just jumped into
it was just like an avalanche because
response of the united states was to
institute this huge science and
technology enrichment publishing i went
to college on a full scholarship
everything paid
not only by school but my room my board
my car my food my books and just about
every school had these what we used to
call rocket boys they were building
little homemade rockets that they could
train themselves so they could beat the
i gathered in some friends that had been
my friends all my whole life and we
decided we're going to form a club
called the big creek missile agency and
we're going to build rockets we had
absolutely no clue on how to do this
i started mixing my own homemade rocket
my mother was very supportive of my
they really weren't rockets they were
pipe bombs with fins
we blew up a lot of things we dodged a
lot of shrapnel
we just felt someday what we were doing
was going to help the united states to
be number one in space we wanted our
country to catch up
with the russians and then we wanted to
just keep on going forever
so this is a time where schools are
desperately trying to get students to go
to college
at the time maybe six or seven percent
of students went to college
now what was the alternative
well for guys it was go out and get a
and lots of people did
most students did for women it was get
married if you're not married by the
time you're like 21 22 you were called
an old maid there was a lot of pressure
on girls to marry you're going to hear
both these discussions the teacher
pushing the students go to college why
don't you go to college the students
pushing back and some of the girls
questioning marriage and other girls
saying gotta get married gotta get
married school's nice but i gotta get
married class of 58.
let's go
how would you
we have all kinds of kids here
a good number of them above average in
intelligence and aptitude
and it is with these that we are
concerned today students like ted jardis
co-captain of our football team
barbara hutchinson head of the
cheerleader squad
david butker
editor of the yearbook
i imagine every high school has its
student hangout
for the boys and girls at harding
bunnies is a second home
here everything is discussed including
the future
so many kids engaged some are getting
married after they get out of high
who's getting married right after high
school carol
carol is
she's graduating early in june at the
end of june's getting married yeah and
what are they planning on doing then
i mean is he working oh yeah he's
working he's out of school oh then he
hasn't gone to college or anything
he's older she is yeah don't you think
that's kind of silly though what's wrong
with getting married yeah you want to be
nominated no
but i just think it's kind of silly to
get married right after high school i
mean she's only going to be what 18.
i don't know if she's gonna be that old
we'll see even still yeah
i don't know i should think they'd want
to wait just a little while at least
plan for it at least then after i mean
if they wait a year or two they'll have
something to start with even though he
is working now he just don't forget he's
he'll have a family to support that how
about you barb you plan to go to college
gee i really don't know yet i'm not sure
what does the future mean to you
anybody go ahead well i'm not going to
college because mainly i didn't have the
right subjects
so as far as i know i'm going into the
try and pick up education in the air
force in other words then your solution
for your education is going to be in the
army it wasn't in the schools that's
right uh dave
well uh
i don't think i'm gonna be going to
college because uh
oh my marks haven't been quite up to par
i want to go out west way out west
and uh
ordinary dirt farmer and
get my living from the soil i like it a
lot uh
i think i'm suited for it
how about the rest of you well i'd like
to go into uh
business business administration
possibly uh sales engineering if
possible i'm interested in meeting and
talking with people and
uh i think that's
my interest right now
barbara by the time you graduate high
school you're only about 18 or 19 years
old and personally i don't think anyone
is actually ready to go out and place
life i mean
not that you're not ready to face life
but if you go and as most kids who are
who graduate at 18 a lot of them go out
and get married within a year or two and
there you are you're all set up for life
that's the way you've got to live and
you having any further education and
that's the only preparation you're going
to have and you as far as i can see most
people stay around this vicinity
wherever they're living and that's the
way they're going to be for the rest of
their lives well there was this early
marriage business you can't seem to
definitely feel that way this is what
you've been uh brought up for that's
right to get
get married i mean
the greatest thing in the world i think
is to have children miles
uh how do you know all this much
uh i uh
i just watched people and the way their
way towards children the way they bring
up children different ways and so i
think it's the best thing in the world
because uh
we had to be brought up too i mean
anything i don't think you should mix
marriage in a career if you're gonna go
to college and have a career and then
decide to get married i mean after all
it's not fair to your husband or even if
you had children it's not fair to
make the career up to be out of the
house what do you say should be done in
other words if you have a career don't
well no
not all the time depends on the kind of
career you have well give me a for
instance uh
sheila i want to know these things
something that would keep you away all
i mean what's the use of having children
what if
a woman is
talented and she has something to offer
and that
it's don't you think that it's really
her duty to give something to society
that she should
really help society
i think it's just as much a duty to take
care of her children i believe also if
you have children you should stay home
with them oh but i'm speaking that i
feel that and when you're 18 that you're
not ready just to go out and end up
getting married i think marriage is the
uh thing that you should be looking
forward to and by going to college you
prepare for this also many of you
as far as you know are definitely going
to college
and i see a show of hands please
how many of you would like to go but
because of
financial reasons let us say
are not going
anymore and
how many of you are
not going to college
now this is interesting because of this
now during our conference meetings we've
been taking test after test after test
and these tests have proved conclusively
conclusively now and when i say test i
mean intelligence tests
tests that will show your mathematical
abilities your scientific aptitudes
whether you would be good in other types
of fields
there's not one of you who has an iq
lower than 120 you have the attitudes
you have the abilities
you can be a doctor you can be a lawyer
you can be a journalist you can even be
teacher nevertheless we have here a
group of nine and only three are going
to college
and if this were just uh hiding high
that was involved then the problem would
be a minor one but the point is this
this trend is all over the country
in other words in the average high
school in the united states
only one third of those who should go to
do go to college
now what is the reason for this waste
and i think that we have to consider
that it is a waste
mr schneider why if there's just
education in college so much really why
does it have to be so expensive
i think that the fault is with the
apocalypse because
they take the responsibility for public
education for uh education through high
school even though they may not want to
but they don't realize that it's
necessary for them to take the
responsibility for education through
college for the people who are qualified
and the people who need it they want to
have a better society but they're not
willing to do anything about it in
giving um education they want to
go ahead and
build more rockets and all this but
they're not willing to do anything about
it i told you i don't know definitely
where i want to be
maybe after being out for a year or so i
might decide
do you think that just doing nothing all
of a sudden one day something's going to
pop right into your nose you go to a job
and then maybe you don't like it that
kind of job but you can't try out every
job if you just no i know yeah but if
you went to college in college you could
take different courses that are related
to different fields
and then it would give you on you get a
broader knowledge of all the different
fields just by sitting around you can't
try out all the jobs and all of a sudden
you're not going to no i know that but
how definitely now can you say what you
want to be right now i don't know what i
want to be but i'm still going to
college bonnie
what uh which would you rather go to
college and uh
try to have the trial and error method
they're wasting your money or
get out in the morning david you're
saying that college is wasting money
anything you learn when you learn
something is that waste well not if
you're not going to use it for your
can you tell them what you're going
everything you learn you always have to
use you always use what you learn what's
waste to dave i wish you'd expect
now say a person wanted to go into a
liberal arts and uh they went to a
liberal arts college and they got to
their junior year
and then uh well if it was a fella say
he decided to become an engineer
those liberal arts really wouldn't help
him in his occupation or his career
david if you were going to be a baseball
player would you take just baseball
during um
car you'd take baseball during college
and you wouldn't learn anything else
i would because i'd make the reason i
take baseball was to make myself so
proficient in that field then what if
you broke a leg
and you wouldn't know anything else
that's not the point yes it is yes it is
very good well uh if uh if that's the
case what's what's the uh
well what's liberal arts going to get
you when you're halfway through college
and you leave it off for something else
and then you break the leg in that field
what do you do that you're just talking
about material gain you're not talking
about just for your just for learning
the sake of learning is that wrong is
that i don't think that that's waste
that's right because you can for
materialistic things they can be taken
away from a person but anything you
learn that that's yours no one can take
that away just what does a liberal arts
uh do i mean what is the uh field of
liberal arts i mean we all we all don't
know what it is
it's just one big thing to take courses
in science and um literature and
languages mathematics
you take you sample every different
field it's not really uh specializing i
think uh norma that it contributes
actually to a person as a human being
in other words it's a person
as a living person not just
concentrating as you're suggesting dave
i think that we
we concentrate right you're going to be
a farmer and all you're interested in is
dirt farming and nothing else right and
this is your attitude that there isn't
anything else that you have to
that you have to know this is what
you're saying well uh
tell me this what good is it going to do
you to know that you know all about
shakespeare and
his contemporaries it doesn't get you
anything it
it doesn't give get anybody in any
enjoyment because i know for a fact that
99 percent of the students hate
shakespeare you've hit me right here
you're just talking about yourself dave
you're assuming that everybody else
hates shakespeare you're talking why
don't you say it i don't i should say i
don't like shakespeare don't say that
every 99 of the students don't mind well
go don't everybody say that anyhow i
enjoy it i enjoy shakespeare very well
the point is
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