Spanish language

How to pronounce hollo in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms call, cry, holler, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell
Type of let loose, let out, emit, utter
Has types pipe up, roar, screak, wail, screech, whoop, halloo, howl, hurrah, pipe, shriek, shrill, skreak, skreigh, yawl, squawk, ululate, yaup
Verb group shout, call, call out, exclaim, cry, cry out, outcry
Type Words
Synonyms bellow, bellowing, holla, holler, hollering, holloa, roar, roaring, yowl
Type of cry, call, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell
Type Words
Type of call, cry, holler, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell
Type Words
Type of encourage