Spanish language

How to pronounce heavy in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms heavily

time hung heavy on their hands.
Type Words
Synonyms leaden
Derivation heaviness

heavy humor.
Type Words
Synonyms lumbering, ponderous

the heavy tread of tired troops.
Type Words
Synonyms grave, grievous, weighty

heavy matters of state.
Type Words
Synonyms labored, laboured

heavy breathing.
Type Words
Synonyms weighed down
Derivation heaviness

trees heavy with fruit.
Type Words
Synonyms big

heavy investor.
Type Words
Synonyms lowering, sullen, threatening

a heavy sky.
Type Words
Synonyms clayey, cloggy

the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated.
Type Words
Synonyms big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, large, with child
Type Words
Synonyms fleshy, overweight
Derivation heaviness
Type Words
Synonyms dense, impenetrable

heavy fog.
Type Words
Synonyms sonorous

heavy sounds.
Type Words
Synonyms profound, sound, wakeless

a heavy sleep.
Type Words
Synonyms hard, intemperate
Type Words
Synonyms arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
Derivation heaviness

heavy work.
heavy going.
Type Words
Type of histrion, actor, player, thespian, role player
Type Words
Type of theatrical role, part, persona, role, character
Type Words

a heavy pudding.
Type Words

a heavy truck.
heavy machinery.
Type Words

a heavy coat.
Type Words
Derivation heaviness

a heavy heart.
a heavy schedule.
heavy news.
a heavy silence.
heavy eyelids.
Type Words

Iago is the heavy role in `Othello'.
Type Words
Derivation heaviness

a heavy load.
lead is a heavy metal.
heavy mahogany furniture.
Type Words

a heavy blow.
the fighting was heavy.
heavy seas.
Type Words
Derivation heaviness

a heavy line.
Type Words
Derivation heaviness

heavy hydrogen.
heavy water.
Type Words

a heavy grade.
Type Words
Derivation heaviness

heavy taxes.
a heavy fine.
heavy casualties.
heavy losses.
heavy rain.
heavy traffic.
Type Words

heavy artillery.
heavy infantry.
a heavy cruiser.
heavy guns.
heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries.