Spanish language

How to pronounce hat in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms chapeau, lid
Type of headdress, headgear
Has types cowboy hat, deerstalker, derby, derby hat, dress hat, dunce's cap, bearskin, fedora, felt hat, fool's cap, fur hat, high hat, homburg, leghorn, millinery, opera hat, panama, panama hat, plug hat, poke bonnet, sailor, shako, shovel hat, silk hat, skimmer, slouch hat, snap-brim hat, sombrero, sou'wester, stetson, stovepipe, straw hat, sun hat, sunhat, ten-gallon hat, tirolean, titfer, top hat, topper, toque, trilby, tyrolean, woman's hat, dunce cap, beaver, boater, bonnet, bowler, bowler hat, busby, campaign hat, cavalier hat, cocked hat
Derivation hatter
Type Words
Type of part, function, role, office

he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly.
Type Words
Type of provide, furnish, render, supply
Type Words
Type of get into, put on, wear, don, assume
Has types bonnet

He was unsuitably hatted.