Spanish language

How to pronounce grim in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms dour, forbidding
Derivation grimness

a grim man loving duty more than humanity.
undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw.
Type Words
Synonyms blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, sorry

grim rainy weather.
Type Words
Synonyms inexorable, relentless, stern, unappeasable, unforgiving, unrelenting
Derivation grimness

grim determination.
grim necessity.
Type Words
Synonyms ghastly, grisly, gruesome, macabre, sick
Derivation grimness

the grim aftermath of the bombing.
the grim task of burying the victims.
Type Words
Synonyms blue, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, low, low-spirited

took a grim view of the economy.
Type Words
Synonyms black, mordant
Derivation grimness

a grim joke.
grim laughter.