Spanish language

How to pronounce gibe in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms barb, dig, jibe, shaft, shot, slam
Type of input, remark, comment
Has types cheap shot
Type Words
Synonyms barrack, flout, jeer, scoff
Type of rally, razz, tease, tantalise, tantalize, cod, ride, taunt, bait, twit, rag
Type Words
Synonyms agree, check, correspond, fit, jibe, match, tally
Type of equal, be
Has types underpin, accord, adhere, agree, align, answer, consist, consort, correlate, corroborate, duplicate, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, homologize, look, parallel, pattern, resemble, rhyme, rime, square, suit, support, twin, bear out, befit, beseem, coincide, concord
Verb group consort, accord, check, concord, check out, agree, fit in, harmonize, harmonise