Spanish language

How to pronounce gathering in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms gather
Type of aggregation, collecting, collection, assembling
Has types centralisation, harvest, centralization, harvest home, harvesting
Derivation gather
Type Words
Synonyms assemblage
Type of social group
Has types assembly, audience, bevy, building, bunch, year, quintette, quorum, rally, rap group, rave-up, retinue, room, septet, septette, sevensome, sextet, sextette, sixsome, social affair, social gathering, suite, table, threesome, throng, triad, trinity, trio, turnout, wine tasting, camp, carload, cast, cast of characters, class, commune, community, concourse, contingent, convocation, cortege, course, covey, crew, crowd, dramatis personae, eightsome, entourage, fair, fivesome, floor, form, foursome, gang, grade, group meeting, mass meeting, meeting, multitude, municipality, muster, octet, octette, pair, quartet, quartette, quintet
Derivation gather
Type Words
Synonyms assemblage, assembly
Type of group action
Has types convocation, meeting, mobilisation, mobilization, coming together, congress, concentration, congregating, congregation, convening, convention, calling together
Derivation gather
Type Words
Synonyms gather
Type of sewing, stitchery
Derivation gather