Spanish language

How to pronounce flush in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms blush, crimson, redden
Type of colour, discolour, discolor, color
Type Words
Synonyms affluent, loaded, moneyed, substantial, wealthy

a speculator flush with cash.
Type Words
Synonyms hot flash
Type of symptom
Type Words
Synonyms blush
Type of innate reflex, unconditioned reflex, reflex response, reflex action, reflex, physiological reaction, instinctive reflex, inborn reflex
Type Words
Synonyms sluice
Type of dowse, souse, sop, soak, drench, douse
Type Words
Synonyms bloom, blush, rosiness
Type of healthiness, good health
Type Words
Synonyms bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flower, heyday, peak, prime
Type of period, time period, period of time
Has types golden age
Type Words
Synonyms gush, outpouring
Type of flowing, flow
Has types springtide

he heard the flush of a toilet.
Type Words
Synonyms purge, scour
Type of rinse off, rinse

flush the wound with antibiotics.
Type Words
Synonyms even, even out, level
Type of change surface
Has types strickle, grade, strike
Type Words
Synonyms bang, boot, charge, kick, rush, thrill
Type of exhilaration, excitement
Type Words
Type of poker hand
Type Words
Type of water, irrigate
Has types suffuse, perfuse

flush the meadows.
Type Words
Type of feed, course, flow, run
Has types flush down, wash down

The garbage flushed down the river.
Type Words
Type of glow

the sky flushed with rosy splendor.
Type Words

a door flush with the wall.
the bottom of the window is flush with the floor.