Spanish language

How to pronounce flex in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms bend
Type of move
Derivation flexure

flex your wrists.
Type Words
Synonyms bend, deform, turn, twist
Type of change form, change shape, deform
Has types convolute, indent, convolve, crank, gnarl, incurvate, dent
Derivation flexible
Type Words
Synonyms bend
Type of deform, change shape, change form
Has types incurvate, lean, replicate, retroflex, fawn, angle, arc, arch, bend, bow, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, crook, crouch, curl, curl up, curve, double, double over, double up, draw in, grovel, tilt, tip, slant, stoop
Derivation flexure
Type Words
Type of shrink, contract

flex a muscle.
Type Words
Type of show off, flash, flaunt, ostentate, swank

The victorious army flexes its invincibility.
Type Words
Type of flexion, flexure

he gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies.