Spanish language

How to pronounce fighting in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms active, combat-ready

review the fighting forces.
Type Words
Synonyms combat, fight, scrap
Type of conflict, struggle, battle
Has types cut-and-thrust, disturbance, dogfight, duel, encounter, fencing, fistfight, fisticuffs, fray, free-for-all, gang fight, gunfight, gunplay, hassle, impact, in-fighting, knife fight, rough-and-tumble, ruffle, rumble, scuffle, set-to, shock, shootout, single combat, skirmish, affaire d'honneur, snickersnee, tussle, whipping, slugfest, affray, banging, battering, beating, brawl, brush, clash, close-quarter fighting
Derivation fight

there was fighting in the streets.