Spanish language

How to pronounce execute in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms do, perform
Has types direct, appear, blaze away, carry, churn out, click off, conduct, cut, cut corners, declaim, ad-lib, extemporise, extemporize, improvise, improvize, interpret, lead, make, pipe up, practice, practise, premier, premiere, recite, rehearse, render, scamp, serenade, star, stunt
Derivation execution, executant

the skater executed a triple pirouette.
Type Words
Synonyms put to death
Type of penalise, kill, punish, penalize
Has types burn, hang, string up, crucify
Derivation execution, executing

In some states, criminals are executed.
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of apply, implement, enforce
Has types step
Verb group play, run
Derivation executive

the computer executed the instruction.
Type Words
Synonyms accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, fulfil, fulfill
Type of set up, finish, effectuate, complete, effect
Has types dispatch, do, complete, consummate, perform, run, discharge, get over
Verb group implement, follow through, carry out, go through with, follow out, follow up, put through
Derivation execution, executive

execute the decision of the people.
Type Words
Type of apply, implement, enforce
Has types give
Derivation execution, executive, executor

execute a will or a deed.
Type Words
Type of polish off, remove, murder, off, hit, slay, dispatch, bump off
Verb group put to death
Derivation execution

The Mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed.
Type Words
Type of sign

The President executed the treaty.