Spanish language

How to pronounce enclose in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms close in, inclose, shut in
Type of border, surround, environ, ring, skirt
Has types immerse, border, bower, bury, case, casket, cordon off, corral, dike, dyke, eat up, embower, encapsulate, encase, enshrine, fence, fence in, fort, fortify, frame, frame in, glass, glass in, hedge, hedge in, bank, incase, insert, rope in, rope off, shrine, swallow, swallow up, tuck, wall in, wall up
Derivation enclosure

Darkness enclosed him.
Type Words
Synonyms confine, hold in
Type of carry, contain, hold, bear
Has types border, embank, box up, box in, frame, rail, bound, rail in
Derivation enclosure

darkness enclosed him.
Type Words
Synonyms enfold, envelop, enwrap, wrap
Type of cover
Has types hide, cover, sheathe, shroud, benight, tube, capsulate, capsule, engulf, capsulise, enshroud, capsulize, cocoon, bathe
Derivation enclosure, enclosing
Type Words
Synonyms inclose, insert, introduce, put in, stick in
Type of put, pose, place, lay, position, set
Has types catheterize, inoculate, glass, cup, slip, feed, feed in, inject, intersperse, plug, foist, shoot, interlard, catheterise, inset
Derivation enclosure