Spanish language

How to pronounce dye in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms dyestuff
Type of colouring material, color, coloring material, colour
Has types archil, azo dye, basic color, basic colour, basic dye, blue, blueing, bluing, bromophenol blue, bromothymol blue, bromphenol blue, bromthymol blue, cochineal, acid dye, alizarin yellow, anil, aniline dye, orchil, quercitron, radiopaque dye, resorcinolphthalein, saffranine, safranin, safranine, substantive dye, sugar of lead, tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein, tint, tyrian purple, vat color, vat dye, woad, cudbear, cyanine dye, direct dye, fluorescein, fluoresceine, fluorescent dye, fluorochrome, hair coloring, hair dye, indigo, indigotin, kendal, kendal green, lac dye, lead acetate
Type Words
Type of discolor, color, colour, discolour
Has types piece-dye, deep-dye, stain, double dye, fast dye, hand-dye, yarn-dye, bronze, impress
Derivation dyeing, dyer

Please dye these shoes.