Spanish language

How to pronounce draw in in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms suck in
Type of core out, hollow, hollow out
Verb group suck out, aspirate, draw out
Type Words
Synonyms attract, draw, pull, pull in
Type of pull, draw
Has types catch, retract, get, tug, arrest, bring
Verb group curl up, curl, retract
Type Words
Synonyms close in
Type of pass on, progress, march on, advance, move on, go on
Verb group pull in, move in, get in
Type Words
Synonyms get in, move in, pull in
Type of get, come, arrive
Verb group close in
Type Words
Synonyms curl, curl up
Type of bend, flex
Verb group pull in, attract, pull, draw
Type Words
Synonyms retract
Type of pull, attract, draw, pull in
Has types introvert, invaginate
Verb group pull in, draw, pull, attract