Spanish language

How to pronounce disorder in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms upset
Type of physiological condition, physiological state, physical condition
Has types impaction, learning disability, learning disorder, malocclusion, mental disorder, mental disturbance, metabolic disorder, nervous disorder, neurological disease, neurological disorder, olfactory impairment, organic disorder, parosamia, perleche, psilosis, psychological disorder, sleep disorder, speech defect, speech disorder, sprue, strangulation, tropical sprue, disturbance, abruptio placentae, achlorhydria, acholia, achylia, achylia gastrica, acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome, adenosis, ailment, bladder disorder, cardiovascular disease, celiac disease, cheilosis, choking, cholestasis, colpoxerosis, complaint, defect of speech, degenerative disorder, abocclusion, dysaphia, dysosmia, dysphagia, dysuria, eating disorder, failure, fantods, folie, functional disorder, gland disease, glandular disease, glandular disorder, haematocolpometra, haematocolpos, hematocolpometra, hematocolpos, hydrocele, hyperactivity, idiopathic disease, idiopathic disorder, idiopathy, ill, immunological disorder, impacted tooth

the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder.
Type Words
Synonyms disarray
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types derange, perturb, scramble, throw out of kilter, throw together, disarrange, jumble, mess, mess up
Type Words
Synonyms disorderliness
Type of status, condition
Has types untidiness, mare's nest, mess, messiness, jumble, muddle, muss, mussiness, clutter, disarrangement, smother, shambles, disorganization, fuddle, disorganisation, welter

the files are in complete disorder.
Type Words
Synonyms cark, disquiet, distract, perturb, trouble, unhinge
Type of disturb, trouble, upset
Has types vex, worry
Type Words
Type of state
Has types confusion, turbulence, anarchy, upheaval, flutter, disruption, riot, rioting, roughness, rowdiness, rowdyism, disorderliness, disturbance, discord, hurly burly, instability, hoo-hah, hoo-ha, commotion, kerfuffle, strife, sturm und drang, to-do, lawlessness