Spanish language

How to pronounce discolor in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms color, colour, discolour
Type of change
Has types sunburn, tan, tone, turn, yellow, black, blacken, blanch, blench, blue, blush, bronze, burn, crimson, dye, flush, gray, green, grey, melanise, melanize, pale, purple, redden, silver, white, whiten
Derivation discoloration

The shirts discolored.
Type Words
Type of alter, modify, change
Has types decolorize, decolour, sallow, decolourise, decolourize, discolorise, discolorize, wash out, discolourise, bleach, infuscate, bleach out, decolor, decolorise
Derivation discoloration

The detergent discolored my shirts.
Type Words
Type of change
Has types wash out

The painting discolored.