Spanish language

How to pronounce diet in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms dieting
Type of fast, fasting
Derivation dietary, dietician
Type Words
Type of general assembly, legislature, legislative body, law-makers, legislative assembly
Type Words
Type of fare
Has types obesity diet, balanced diet, bland diet, carbo loading, carbohydrate loading, diabetic diet, dietary supplement, low-salt diet, low-sodium diet, allergy diet, pap, reducing diet, salt-free diet, soft diet, spoon food, ulcer diet, vegetarianism, vitamin-deficiency diet, gluten-free diet, high-protein diet, high-vitamin diet, light diet, liquid diet, low-fat diet
Derivation dietary, dietetic, dietetical, dietician
Type Words
Type of fast
Derivation dieter, dieting, dietary
Type Words
Type of fast
Derivation dieting, dietary, dieter

He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet.
Type Words
Type of fare
Derivation dietician, dietary, dietetic, dietetical