Spanish language

How to pronounce device in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms gimmick, twist
Type of manoeuvre, maneuver, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre
Has types fast one, mnemonic, trick

he would stoop to any device to win a point.
Type Words
Type of emblem
Has types union

he was recognized by the device on his shield.
Type Words
Type of instrumentation, instrumentality
Has types agglomerator, airfoil, alarm, alarm system, appliance, applicator, applier, aspergill, aspersorium, asphyxiator, autocue, automatic pilot, autopilot, baby's dummy, bait, battery charger, billiard marker, bird feeder, birdfeeder, birth control device, blower, bootjack, breathalyser, breathalyzer, breathing apparatus, breathing device, breathing machine, bubbler, buffer, button, catapult, charger, clip-on, comb, comforter, conductor, constraint, contraceptive, contraceptive device, contraption, contrivance, control surface, convenience, converter, convertor, corer, corrective, crusher, cryptograph, cutoff, dampener, damper, dart thrower, decoy, deflector, dental appliance, depressor, detector, diestock, doorknocker, drive, drop forge, drop hammer, drop press, elastic device, electrical device, electronic device, energiser, energizer, exercise device, explosive device, extinguisher, fan, feeder, fender, widget, adapter, adaptor, aerofoil, afterburner, throwing stick, tilter, tongs, toy, trap, trigger, valve, vaporiser, vaporizer, ventilator, washboard, warmer, warning device, water cooler, acoustic device, filter, fire extinguisher, flare, foil, fumigator, gadget, gas fixture, gismo, gizmo, goad, groover, guard, heat exchanger, heater, holding device, horn, hydrofoil, igniter, ignition interlock, ignitor, imprint, indicator, instrument, interlock, interrupter, jig, key, keyboard, kinetoscope, knocker, launcher, lift, lifting device, light, lighter, lure, machine, magnet, mechanism, memory device, moistener, muffler, musical instrument, nest egg, noisemaker, optical device, override, pacifier, pair of tongs, paper feed, peeler, pick, plectron, plectrum, power takeoff, preventative, preventive, prod, prompter, prophylactic device, pto, pull, rapper, reflector, reinforcement, release, remote, remote control, reset, restorative, restraint, robot pilot, router, runner, safety, safety device, scratcher, sensing element, sensor, shoehorn, shoetree, shooting stick, shredder, signaling device, slide chart, snowshoe, sounder, source of illumination, spear thrower, stabiliser, stabilizer, stemmer, storage device, straightener, strengthener, stylus, suction cup, support, surface, sweatbox, synchroflash, take-up, teaser, teething ring, throwing board

the device is small enough to wear on your wrist.
a device intended to conserve water.
Type Words
Type of pattern, figure, design
Has types seal, stamp
Type Words
Type of expressive style, style
Has types conceit, rhetorical device