Spanish language

How to pronounce deform in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms contort, distort, wring
Type of distort, twist, twine
Has types morph
Verb group wring, wrench
Derivation deformation
Type Words
Synonyms bend, flex, turn, twist
Type of change shape, change form
Has types dent, incurvate, convolute, convolve, crank, indent, gnarl
Derivation deformation
Type Words
Synonyms change form, change shape
Type of change
Has types bug out, bulge, bulge out, batter, taper, twist, twine, bend, point, pop, pop out, pouch, protrude, roll, roll up, sharpen, start, stretch, stretch out, turn, come out, dinge, unfold, distort, draw, extend, flatten, flatten out, flex, furl, grain, granulate
Derivation deformation
Type Words
Synonyms distort, strain
Type of shape, form
Has types jaundice
Derivation deformation

His body was deformed by leprosy.
Type Words
Type of change form, change shape
Derivation deformation

The sidewalk deformed during the earthquake.
Type Words
Type of change, alter, modify
Derivation deformation

the heat deformed the plastic sculpture.