Spanish language

How to pronounce deed in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms act, human action, human activity
Type of event
Has types departure, derivation, digging up, discovery, disinterment, disposal, disposition, distribution, effectuation, egress, egression, emergence, equalisation, equalization, exhumation, find, forfeit, forfeiture, getting, going, going away, group action, hinderance, hindrance, hire, implementation, inactivity, interference, judgement, judgment, leaning, leaving, legitimation, leveling, mitsvah, mitzvah, motivating, motivation, nonaccomplishment, nonachievement, obstetrical delivery, permissive waste, proclamation, production, promulgation, propulsion, recovery, rejection, residence, residency, retrieval, running away, sacrifice, speech act, stay, stop, stoppage, touch, touching, uncovering, waste, wear, abidance, wearing, acquiring, action, activity, actuation, assessment, assumption, causation, causing, communicating, communication, delivery
Type Words
Synonyms deed of conveyance, title
Type of official document, instrument, legal document, legal instrument
Has types bill of sale, enfeoffment, deed poll, mortgage deed, title deed

he signed the deed.