Spanish language

How to pronounce death in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms last
Type of end, ending
Derivation die

she stayed until his death.
Type Words
Synonyms demise, dying
Type of end, ending
Has types grave
Derivation die

it was the death of all his plans.
Type Words
Synonyms decease, expiry
Type of alteration, change, modification
Has types loss, going, megadeath, martyrdom, human death, departure, release, fatality, expiration, exit, passing, wrongful death
Derivation die

her death came as a terrible shock.
Type Words
Synonyms destruction, end
Type of state
Derivation die
Type Words
Type of state
Has types sudden infant death syndrome, cot death, crib death, sleep, defunctness, sids, rest, quietus, extinction, infant death, neonatal death, eternal rest, eternal sleep
Derivation die

he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life.
Type Words
Type of putting to death, kill, killing
Derivation die, deathly

he had two deaths on his conscience.
Type Words
Type of organic phenomenon
Has types gangrene, mortification, necrobiosis, necrosis, sphacelus, cerebral death, cell death, brain death
Derivation die

the animal died a painful death.
Type Words
Derivation die