Spanish language

How to pronounce constituent in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms component, element
Type of portion, part
Has types audio, pel, picture element, pixel, auto part, car part, computer hardware, accessory, crystal, supplement, add-on, making, retrofit, appurtenance, module, hardware, heating element, addition, improver, ingredient, input, spark gap, spare part, landside, spare
Derivation constitute

a component or constituent element of a system.
Type Words
Synonyms component, element, factor, ingredient
Type of division, section, part
Has types be all and end all, point, plot element, be-all and end-all

two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony.
Type Words
Synonyms component, component part, part, portion
Type of relation
Has types residual, residue, residuum, rest, member, linguistic unit, point, remainder, unit, particular, language unit, item, base, subpart, substance, detail, butt, basis, balance

the animal constituent of plankton.
Type Words
Synonyms constitutional, constitutive, organic
Derivation constitute
Type Words
Synonyms grammatical constituent
Type of syntagma, syntagm
Has types subject, construction, expression, grammatical construction, immediate constituent, misconstruction, object, ablative absolute, term
Type Words
Type of elector, voter

needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected.