Spanish language

How to pronounce confect in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms candy
Type of sweet, confection
Has types brandyball, brittle, butterscotch, candy bar, candy cane, candy corn, candy kiss, candyfloss, caramel, carob bar, chocolate truffle, cotton candy, dragee, all-day sucker, easter egg, fondant, fudge, gumdrop, hard candy, honey crisp, horehound, jelly bean, jelly egg, kiss, licorice, life saver, liquorice, lollipop, lozenge, marchpane, marshmallow, marzipan, mint, mint candy, nougat, nougat bar, nut bar, patty, peanut bar, popcorn ball, praline, rock, rock candy, spun sugar, sucker, sugar candy, sugarplum, taffy, toffee, toffy, truffle, turkish delight, bonbon
Type Words
Synonyms comfit, confection
Type of assemble, set up, tack, tack together, piece, put together
Derivation confection

This medicine is home-confected.
Type Words
Type of create, make, produce