Spanish language

How to pronounce component in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms constituent, element
Type of portion, part
Has types crystal, hardware, heating element, improver, ingredient, input, accessory, add-on, addition, appurtenance, audio, auto part, car part, computer hardware, landside, making, module, pel, picture element, pixel, retrofit, spare, spare part, spark gap, supplement

spare components for cars.
a component or constituent element of a system.
Type Words
Synonyms constituent, element, factor, ingredient
Type of division, part, section
Has types plot element, point, be-all and end-all, be all and end all
Derivation compose

jealousy was a component of his character.
Type Words
Synonyms component part, constituent, part, portion
Type of relation
Has types balance, subpart, substance, butt, basis, point, base, remainder, residual, residue, item, residuum, language unit, linguistic unit, rest, member, particular, detail, unit

the smaller component is hard to reach.