Spanish language

How to pronounce company in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms caller
Type of visitor, visitant

the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company.
Type Words
Synonyms accompany, companion, keep company
Type of affiliate, consort, assort, associate
Type Words
Synonyms companionship, fellowship, society
Type of friendly relationship, friendship
Has types freemasonry

he missed their company.
Type Words
Synonyms party
Type of band, circle, lot, set
Has types party to the transaction, stretcher party, rescue party, search party, fatigue party, landing party, war party, party to the action

the company of cooks walked into the kitchen.
Type Words
Synonyms troupe
Type of organization, organisation
Has types minstrel show, greek chorus, circus, theater company, chorus, ballet company, minstrelsy, opera company

the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel.
Type Words
Synonyms ship's company
Type of full complement, complement
Type Words
Type of establishment, institution
Has types shipping company, auto company, broadcasting company, bureau de change, car company, closed shop, corporate investor, drug company, east india company, electronics company, film company, food company, furniture company, holding company, joint-stock company, ld., limited company, livery company, ltd., mining company, mover, moving company, oil company, open shop, packaging company, packaging concern, pharma, pharmaceutical company, pipeline company, printing business, printing company, printing concern, public mover, record company, removal company, removal firm, service, shipper, steel company, stock company, subsidiary, subsidiary company, takeover target, target company, think factory, think tank, transportation company, union shop, white knight, distributor, dot-com, dot com, dot com company

he started the company in his garage.
Type Words
Type of social affair, social gathering
Has types number, cohort, attendance

the house was filled with company when I arrived.
Type Words
Type of unit, social unit

a hook-and-ladder company.
Type Words
Type of army unit
Has types trainband