Spanish language

How to pronounce commencement in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms beginning, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time
Type of point, point in time
Has types birth, starting point, terminus a quo, threshold, incipience, incipiency
Type Words
Synonyms commencement ceremony, commencement exercise, graduation, graduation exercise
Type of exercise
Type Words
Synonyms beginning, start
Type of change of state
Has types creation, unveiling, attack, constitution, recommencement, resumption, scrum, scrummage, springboard, startup, tone-beginning, activation, debut, entry, establishment, face-off, first appearance, first step, formation, foundation, founding, groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremony, housing start, icebreaker, inauguration, initiation, initiative, innovation, installation, installing, installment, instalment, instauration, institution, introduction, jump ball, jumping-off point, kickoff, launching, opening, opening move, organisation, organization, origination, point of departure
Derivation commence