Spanish language

How to pronounce come up in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms arise
Type of come about, pass off, pass, occur, happen, take place, hap, go on, fall out
Has types open, open up, condense
Type Words
Synonyms come on, go on
Type of start, go, get going
Type Words
Synonyms ascend, rise, uprise
Type of go up, arise, lift, move up, rise, uprise
Type Words
Synonyms arise, bob up
Type of become
Type Words
Synonyms come
Type of travel, move, locomote, go
Has types go up, approach, come on, address, draw near, near, draw close, emanate, accost, come near, come up to
Type Words
Synonyms find, get hold, line up
Type of acquire, get
Type Words
Synonyms scrape, scrape up, scratch
Type of amass, collect, accumulate, roll up, pile up, compile, hoard
Has types nickel-and-dime
Type Words
Synonyms muster, muster up, rally, summon
Type of collect, garner, gather, pull together
Type Words
Synonyms rise, rise up, surface
Type of go up, ascend
Has types bubble up, well, swell, intumesce, emerge, resurface
Type Words
Synonyms arise, go up, lift, move up, rise, uprise
Type of move, locomote, go, travel
Has types scend, ascend, climb, climb up, chandelle, bubble, go up, uplift, uprise, mount, zoom, surge, steam, soar upwards, soar up, soar, rise, rocket, skyrocket
Type Words
Type of arise
Type Words
Type of bring forth, generate