Spanish language

How to pronounce combat in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms armed combat
Type of conflict, battle, fight, engagement
Has types aggression, hostilities, belligerency, trench warfare
Type Words
Synonyms fight, fighting, scrap
Type of struggle, battle, conflict
Has types encounter, cut-and-thrust, fencing, fistfight, fisticuffs, fray, free-for-all, gang fight, gunfight, gunplay, hassle, close-quarter fighting, impact, in-fighting, knife fight, clash, brush, rough-and-tumble, ruffle, rumble, scuffle, set-to, shock, shootout, single combat, skirmish, slugfest, snickersnee, brawl, tussle, beating, disturbance, dogfight, duel, whipping, battering, affaire d'honneur, banging, affray
Type Words
Synonyms battle
Type of contend, struggle, fight
Has types wrestle, dogfight
Derivation combative, combatant

The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq.
We must combat the prejudices against other races.