Spanish language

How to pronounce chemical compound in Spanish?

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Type of chemical, chemical substance
Has types allomorph, aluminate, ammine, anhydride, anionic compound, antiknock, arsenide, azide, base, benzofuran, benzoquinone, binary compound, bitter principle, buffer, calcium-cyanamide, carbon disulfide, carbonyl, caustic, cementite, chloride, chloropicrin, chromogen, cofactor, complex, coordination compound, corrosive, coumarone, cumarone, cyanamide, defoliant, depilatory, derivative, dimer, enamel, enantiomer, enantiomorph, exotherm, fixer, fixing agent, flavone, formulation, goitrogen, heterocycle, heterocyclic, heterocyclic compound, hydrate, hydrated oxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydroxide, incense, inorganic compound, iodocompound, iron carbide, isomer, manganese tetroxide, menthol, monomer, nitrate, nitride, nitrochloroform, nitrogen mustard, organic compound, oxide, ozonide, polymer, pregnanediol, preparation, preservative, quinone, repellant, repellent, salt, silicide, siloxane, solvate, sternutator, sternutatory, stripper, sulfide, sulphide, synthetic, synthetic substance, taurine, telluride, tenderiser, tenderizer, tetrachloride, triazine, u308, vanillin, acceptor, yellowcake, acid, adduct, alkali