Spanish language

How to pronounce cards in Spanish?

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Synonyms card game
Type of game
Has types poker game, rouge et noir, rum, rummy, sevens, short whist, solitaire, stops, strip-jack-naked, three-card monte, trente-et-quarante, twenty-one, vingt-et-un, whist, nap, baccarat, beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-my-neighbour, bezique, blackjack, boodle, bridge, casino, cassino, chemin de fer, chicago, crib, cribbage, ecarte, euchre, fantan, faro, five hundred, four-card monte, go fish, high-low-jack, long whist, michigan, monte, all fours, napoleon, newmarket, old maid, parliament, patience, penuchle, pinochle, pinocle, piquet, pisha paysha, poker