Spanish language

How to pronounce broadcast in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread
Type of publicize, air, publicise, bare
Has types vulgarize, carry, generalise, generalize, podcast, popularise, popularize, run, sow, vulgarise
Verb group go around, spread, circulate

broadcast the news.
Type Words
Synonyms program, programme
Type of show
Has types chat show, episode, game show, giveaway, installment, instalment, news, news program, news show, rerun, serial, series, sustaining program, talk show, television program, television show, tv program, tv show
Type Words
Synonyms air, beam, send, transmit
Type of bare, publicize, publicise, air
Has types telecast, rebroadcast, interrogate, televise, sportscast, satellite, rerun
Derivation broadcaster
Type Words
Type of message
Has types telecast, rebroadcast, radio broadcast, newscast, simulcast
Type Words
Type of sow, seed
Derivation broadcaster

broadcast seeds.