Spanish language

How to pronounce beginning in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms first

the beginning canto of the poem.
Type Words
Synonyms commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time
Type of point in time, point
Has types threshold, terminus a quo, birth, incipience, starting point, incipiency
Type Words
Synonyms origin, root, rootage, source
Type of point
Has types home, point source, provenance, provenience, birthplace, cradle, jumping-off place, wellspring, derivation, trail head, spring, trailhead, fountainhead, head, headspring, headwater, wellhead, place of origin, point of departure

the Italian beginning of the Renaissance.
Type Words
Synonyms commencement, start
Type of change of state
Has types foundation, attack, constitution, creation, debut, entry, establishment, face-off, first appearance, first step, formation, activation, founding, groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremony, housing start, icebreaker, inauguration, initiation, initiative, innovation, installation, installing, installment, instalment, instauration, institution, introduction, jump ball, jumping-off point, kickoff, launching, opening, opening move, organisation, organization, origination, point of departure, recommencement, resumption, scrum, scrummage, springboard, startup, tone-beginning, unveiling
Derivation begin

he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations.
Type Words
Type of occurrent, happening, occurrence, natural event
Has types genesis, ground floor, inception, origin, growth, conception, origination, outgrowth, egress, emergence, issue, creation, start, casus belli, generation
Derivation begin

the beginning of the war.
Type Words
Type of section, part, division
Derivation begin

`It was a dark and stormy night' is a hackneyed beginning for a story.