Spanish language

How to pronounce bad in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms badly

the injury hurt badly.
the buildings were badly shaken.
it hurts bad.
we need water bad.
Type Words
Synonyms badness
Type of quality
Has types evil, worse, unworthiness, unsoundness, undesirability, liability, inadvisability

take the bad with the good.
Type Words
Synonyms big
Derivation badness

a bad headache.
had a big (or bad) shock.
a bad earthquake.
a bad storm.
Type Words
Synonyms uncollectible

a bad (or uncollectible) debt.
Type Words
Synonyms forged

like a bad penny....
Type Words
Synonyms unfit, unsound

has a bad back.
a bad heart.
bad teeth.
Type Words
Synonyms defective

a bad telephone connection.
Type Words
Synonyms regretful, sorry

he felt bad about breaking the vase.
Type Words
Synonyms high-risk, risky, speculative

a bad investment.
Type Words
Synonyms tough
Derivation badness

my throat feels bad.
she felt bad all over.
Type Words
Synonyms spoiled, spoilt

bad meat.
Type Words
Synonyms badly

I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it.
the cables had sagged badly.
they were badly in need of help.
he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it.
Type Words
Derivation badness

a bad chess player.
a bad recital.
Type Words

bad air.
smoking is bad for you.
Type Words
Derivation badness

led a very bad life.
Type Words
Derivation badness

a bad report card.
his sloppy appearance made a bad impression.
a bad little boy.
clothes in bad shape.
a bad cut.
bad luck.
the news was very bad.
the reviews were bad.
the pay is bad.
it was a bad light for reading.
the movie was a bad choice.
Type Words

so-called bad grammar.