Spanish language

How to pronounce back up in Spanish?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms choke, choke off, clog, clog up, congest, foul
Type of impede, close up, jam, block, obstruct, obturate, occlude
Has types crap up, gum up, stuff, block, lug, silt up, silt, choke up
Derivation backup
Type Words
Synonyms back
Type of sustain, support, confirm, substantiate, affirm, corroborate

Can you back up your claims?.
Type Words
Synonyms back down, back off
Type of recede, retreat, withdraw, move back, draw back, pull away, pull back, retire
Type Words
Synonyms support
Has types buy at, advance, aid, assist, back, boost, encourage, endorse, frequent, further, help, indorse, patronise, patronize, promote, root, second, shop, shop at, sponsor, undergird
Derivation backup
Type Words
Type of re-create, copy
Derivation backup

You'd better back up these files!.