Spanish language

How to pronounce attender in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms attendant, tender
Type of supporter, assistant, helper, help
Has types famulus, flight attendant, gallant, gillie, golf caddie, groomsman, hospital attendant, lifeguard, lifesaver, linkboy, linkman, litter-bearer, loader, maid of honor, matron of honor, orderly, page, racker, rocker, rouser, second, servitor, squire, steward, stretcher-bearer, trainbearer, varlet, arouser, waker, baggageman, batman, bellboy, bellhop, bellman, bridesmaid, caddie, checker, companion, courtier, cupbearer, equerry, escort, esquire
Derivation attend
Type Words
Synonyms attendant, attendee, meeter
Type of participant, player
Has types conventioneer, partygoer, symposiast
Derivation attend

he was a regular attender at department meetings.
Type Words
Synonyms auditor, hearer, listener
Type of percipient, observer, beholder, perceiver
Has types eavesdropper
Derivation attend