Spanish language

How to pronounce associate in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms colligate, connect, link, link up, relate, tie in
Type of cerebrate, cogitate, think
Has types correlate, free-associate, interrelate, think of, have in mind, identify, mean, remember
Derivation associable, association, associative, associatory
Type Words
Synonyms affiliate, assort, consort
Type of interact
Has types date, accompany, go out, go steady, keep company, see, companion, ally, company
Derivation association

He associates with strange people.
Type Words
Synonyms associate degree
Type of academic degree, degree
Has types associate in nursing, aas, an, associate in applied science, aa, associate in arts
Type Words
Synonyms companion, comrade, familiar, fellow
Type of friend
Has types tovarich, playmate, date, escort, tovarisch, playfellow
Type Words
Synonyms consociate
Type of unite, unify
Has types walk
Derivation association, associable
Type Words
Type of co-occurrence, accompaniment, attendant, concomitant

first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate.
Type Words
Type of equal, peer, compeer, match
Has types partner, adjunct, affiliate, ally, bedfellow, co-worker, collaborator, colleague, confrere, cooperator, fellow, fellow member, fellow worker, friend, mate, member, pardner, participant, player, shipmate, teammate, workfellow

he had to consult his associate before continuing.
Type Words
Type of subsidiary, subordinate, underling, foot soldier

associates in the law firm bill at a lower rate than do partners.
Type Words

an associate member.
an associate professor.