Spanish language

How to pronounce arise in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms come up
Type of pass off, come about, take place, go on, occur, hap, happen, fall out, pass
Has types open, come up, open up, condense
Type Words
Synonyms get up, rise, turn out, uprise
Type Words
Synonyms develop, grow, originate, rise, spring up, uprise
Type of become
Has types resurge, emerge, head, follow, come forth, well up, swell, come
Verb group develop
Type Words
Synonyms rebel, rise, rise up
Type of protest, dissent, resist
Has types revolt, mutiny
Type Words
Synonyms bob up, come up
Type of become
Type Words
Synonyms come up, go up, lift, move up, rise, uprise
Type of go, locomote, travel, move
Has types zoom, bubble, chandelle, climb, climb up, come up, go up, mount, rise, rocket, scend, skyrocket, soar, soar up, soar upwards, steam, surge, uplift, uprise, ascend
Type Words
Synonyms get up, rise, stand up, uprise
Type of change posture
Has types take the floor