Spanish language

How to pronounce aid in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms help
Type of ameliorate, amend, meliorate, improve, better
Has types cure, bring around, benefit, do good, heal
Type Words
Synonyms attention, care, tending
Type of work
Has types tree surgery, treatment, tlc, tender loving care, skincare, skin care, pet sitting, personal care, pedicure, nurturance, nursing, nourishment, maternalism, manicure, livery, intervention, incubation, healthcare, health care, hairdressing, haircare, hair care, first aid, faith healing, faith cure, dental care, babysitting, baby sitting
Type Words
Synonyms assist, help
Type of back up, support
Has types succor, alleviate, help out, wait on, attend, assist, give care, facilitate, expedite, ease, care, bootstrap, subserve, benefact, avail, attend to, serve, hasten, succour
Type Words
Synonyms assistance, help
Type of resource

visual aids in teaching.
Type Words
Synonyms assist, assistance, help
Type of activity
Has types self-help, boost, comfort, encouragement, facilitation, hand, helping hand, lift, ministration, recourse, refuge, relief, resort, accommodation, service, succor, succour, support, thanks

rescue party went to their aid.
Type Words
Synonyms assistance, economic aid, economic assistance, financial aid, financial assistance
Type of gift
Has types scholarship, foreign aid, social welfare, grant, grant-in-aid, traineeship, welfare, philanthropic gift, philanthropy, public assistance, fellowship