Spanish language

How to pronounce adjust in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms adapt, conform
Type of get used to
Has types match, readapt, acclimatise, assimilate, acclimatize, readjust, square, obey, focalise, acclimate, focus, focalize
Derivation adjustive, adjustment

We must adjust to the bad economic situation.
Type Words
Synonyms align, aline, line up
Type of reorient
Has types focalize, realign, realine, focus, focalise, concentre, synchronise, concenter, true, synchronize, true up, address, collimate
Type Words
Synonyms correct, set
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types zero in, align, attune, calibrate, citify, coordinate, decompress, depressurise, depressurize, fine-tune, fit, focalise, focalize, proportion, readjust, reconcile, regulate, reset, set, sharpen, sync, synchronise, synchronize, temper, time, trim, tune, tune up, zero, focus, graduate, harmonise, harmonize, justify, linearise, linearize, match, modulate, ordinate, plumb, pressurise, pressurize
Derivation adjuster, adjustive, adjustment, adjustable
Type Words
Type of adjudicate, settle, resolve, decide
Derivation adjustment, adjustor
Type Words
Type of accommodate, adapt
Derivation adjustable, adjustment