English language

How to pronounce wing case in English?

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Synonyms elytron
Type of wing

Examples of wing case

wing case
Another truck looks like a shiny blue beetle, with its wing case rising up.
From the guardian.co.uk
This crisis was manufactured by right-wing nut-case politicians in the US Congress.
From the nzherald.co.nz
He took me out with his wing mirror because he had a case of road rage i presume.
From the guardian.co.uk
To me this case has the smell of a right wing version of the Mumia case.
From the evangelicaloutpost.com
Still, the right-wing furor over the Rahman case is likely to reverberate.
From the time.com
If that is the case, Kris and I would be comfortable with having him on the wing.
From the freep.com
The male-dominated right wing has created a bogeyman, or in this case a bogeywoman.
From the time.com
The first case was a complaint against the well known left wing blog The Daily Kos.
From the techcrunch.com
The house has a separate wing, used in this case for children, with an au-pair suite and family room.
From the sfgate.com