English language

How to pronounce wildflower in English?

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Synonyms wild flower
Type of wilding, angiosperm, flowering plant
Has types alpine sunflower, antheropeas wallacei, arnica cordifolia, arnica montana, arrowleaf groundsel, balloon flower, bitterroot, blackfoot daisy, blazing star, blue-eyed mary, bluebell, boykinia elata, boykinia occidentalis, brittle bush, brittlebush, butterweed, button snakeroot, calandrinia ciliata, calyptridium umbellatum, cascade penstemon, chrysopsis villosa, cliff penstemon, coast boykinia, collinsia bicolor, collinsia heterophylla, collinsia parviflora, collinsia verna, common madia, common tarweed, coneflower, daucus carota, davidson's penstemon, desert sunflower, dwarf daisy, dwarf hulsea, edelweiss, encelia farinosa, enceliopsis nudicaulis, engelmannia, eriophyllum wallacei, eustoma grandiflorum, false alumroot, false beachdrops, false chamomile, false miterwort, false mitrewort, flame-flower, flame flower, flameflower, fleabane, fringe cups, fringed grass of parnassus, gaillardia, gay-feather, gayfeather, gerea canescens, goatsbeard, golden-beard penstemon, golden aster, goldenbush, goldenrod, goldfields, hairy golden aster, haplopappus acaulis, hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards, hawkbit, heartleaf arnica, heliopsis, heterotheca villosa, hot-rock penstemon, hulsea algida, hulsea nana, hymenoxys acaulis, hymenoxys grandiflora, incienso, indian paintbrush, indian pipe, innocense, jones' penstemon, kitten-tails, lasthenia chrysostoma, leatherleaf saxifrage, leontopodium alpinum, leptarrhena pyrolifolia, leucogenes leontopodium, lewisia cotyledon, lewisia rediviva, lithophragma parviflorum, lowbush penstemon, machaeranthera bigelovii, machaeranthera tanacetifolia, machaeranthera tortifoloia, madia elegans, maiden blue-eyed mary, meadow rue, meadow salsify, melampodium leucanthum, mojave aster, monotropa hypopithys, monotropa uniflora, mountain pride, mule's ears, narrow-leaf penstemon, nodding groundsel, north island edelweiss, northern dune tansy, old man of the mountain, oxeye, painted cup, parnassia fimbriata, parry's penstemon, pasque flower, pasqueflower, penstemon barbatus, penstemon centranthifolius, penstemon cyananthus, penstemon davidsonii, penstemon deustus, penstemon dolius, penstemon fruticosus, penstemon linarioides, penstemon newberryi, penstemon palmeri, penstemon parryi, penstemon rupicola, penstemon rydbergii, penstemon serrulatus, penstemon whippleanus, pinesap, platte river penstemon, prairie gentian, prairie golden aster, prairie star, purple chinese houses, pussy's-paw, pussy-paw, pussy-paws, queen anne's lace, ragwort, ranunculus glaberrimus, red maids, redmaids, rock penstemon, rydberg's penstemon, sagebrush buttercup, sand verbena, sarcodes sanguinea, scarlet bugler, scented penstemon, senecio bigelovii, senecio glabellus, senecio triangularis, shepherd's clock, shrubby penstemon, siskiyou lewisia, snakeroot, snow plant, spraguea umbellatum, stemless golden weed, stemless hymenoxys, stenotus acaulis, sticky aster, sunray, tahoka daisy, talinum aurantiacum, tanacetum douglasii, tansy leaf aster, tellima grandiflora, tetraneuris acaulis, tetraneuris grandiflora, tiarella unifoliata, tragopogon dubius, tragopogon pratensis, trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, tulip gentian, waxflower, whipple's penstemon, white-rayed mule's ears, wild carrot, woolly daisy, woolly sunflower, wyethia amplexicaulis, wyethia helianthoides, allionia incarnata, yellow salsify, alpine gold, alpine hulsea

Examples of wildflower

Once the snow melts, the area will be seeded again with a native wildflower mix.
From the timesunion.com
If you believe in portents and omens, ponder the message of a common wildflower.
From the delawareonline.com
The boutique sells bath salts, locally made soap and wildflower honey from Bali.
From the washingtonpost.com
So, this week will wrap up our weekly spring wildflower coverage for this season.
From the sacbee.com
Sow bald spots with wildflower seeds or hardy annual seeds such as sweet alyssum.
From the sfgate.com
For best wildflower performance in our area, buy seed in spring and plant it now.
From the ocregister.com
Wildflower seeds need a wet fall to germinate and a chilly, wet winter to grow.
From the chron.com
But the dismal wildflower forecast doesn't mean there won't be anything to see.
From the latimes.com
Hundreds of acres of meadows will be sown with native grass and wildflower seeds.
From the nytimes.com
More examples
  • Wild or uncultivated flowering plant
  • A wildflower (or wild flower) is a flower that grows wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted. Yet "wildflower" meadows of a few mixed species are sold in seed packets. ...
  • Wildflower is the fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow, first released September 27, 2005. ...
  • Wildflower is a British musician. She is most commonly known for providing rap vocals on numerous artists' albums, including several by the Ninja Tune label. She guested on Roots Manuva's first album, Brand New Second Hand.
  • "Wildflower" is a song written by Doug Edwards and Dave Richardson in 1972. First performed by the Canadian band Skylark, it has been covered by many artists and more recently has been sampled in a number of hip hop songs.
  • (Wildflowers (Connie Price and the Keystones album)) Connie Price and the Keystones are a modern-day deep funk /"new funk" group from Los Angeles. ...
  • (Wildflowers (Dolly Parton song)) "Wildflowers" is a song written by Dolly Parton, which was included on Parton's 1987 album Trio with Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt. ...
  • (Wildflowers (film)) Wildflowers is a 1999 drama film directed by Melissa Painter. It stars Clea DuVall, Daryl Hannah, Tomas Arana and Eric Roberts. It features former United States Poet Laureate Robert Hass reading some of his own poetry. ...
  • (Wildflowers (Jonathan Byrd album)) Wildflowers is the 2001 debut album by Jonathan Byrd. The songs are mostly original songs with a few traditional tunes. Here he mixes contemporary singer-songwriter storytelling with Appalachian folk roots. ...